Being good at your job can be a devastating thing. Why? Because it keeps you there. It keeps you blind to your dreams; blind to your goals and your passions. You ever try to bring up your goals and ambitions to your higher-ups? Right. They get extremely evasive they're quick to change the subject.
They want you stupid to the outside world where all your dreams can happen and enslaved to your job. If you are good at your job. You’ll get a raise, a promotion, maybe even some useless company mech; food, employee of the month, etc. You get comfortable, you get dumb month after month as you consistently make higher-ups more money. Before you know it your manager at McDonald's thinking you made it in life. HAHAHA dumbass!
You are expendable
Everyone believes there special? Everyone believes there unique in some fashion. Well... you are. You are unique and special, filled with magnificent dreams. Unfortunately, your job sees you as a tool, a tool they can use, discard, and replace if needed. There are over 7 billion people on this earth. If your job doesn't even require a degree to get in the door and you think your special to your job. Get real. Even if your job is of the elite. Requiring real-world experience, non useless degrees, and extreme training and talent. Just know threes always someone better and more qualified.
A year later your financial situation hasn’t changed
This can go many ways. You’ve been there for a while with the same amount of assets and money to your name from when you started. Your literately standing in one place in life. Even worse you get a promotion or raise; your making more money and you still broke. Still with the same things to your name.
They gave you a raise
Cool, you make a bit more money now. And I can bet you if you made double that you'll still be broke. Don’t let a raise convince you to stay there. You'll end up miserable complaining a few months down the line that you need a higher income. That you can’t pay your bills etc. What's even worse you'll be like the few working 6 figure jobs and can't afford to pay their bills. MORONS Way more on this and financial literacy later.
You've been working there for years
This is a no brainier you've been there for years. Why? Why on earth are you there for years? Is it a lack of education? Fear of failure. Are you working hard thinking you’ll move up at your job? Whatever it may be, if its not you putting money away for investments, paying for a better education your wasting your life. If you're still at your first job and your 25, or older. Run for the hills! Before you know you’ll be in your 30’s 40’s still there, stick in a relationship with someone you work with. Billions of people out there and you pick someone you see in a bubble. The world is vastly filled with money-making avenues left and right. Millionaires are made every day. But here you are loving your job...
You believe your job cares about you
This is a fun one. The short answer is they do. Yeah! Believe it or not, some jobs love their employees. And they’ll do everything to keep you stupid and happy. Perks benefits 401(k) you name it. Where a great place for you to forget your dreams in life and come make money for our benefit. We’ll give you useless RESTRICTED stock options. Where we tell you when to buy or sell its common stock you don’t know the difference. You see stock and you think yeah!!! I'll stay the year it takes to get the stock then stay even longer to figure out that I'm never going to be in the ballpark of a millionaire.
They tell you what to do, boss you around treat you like your scum on earth. Or best yet treat you nice and treat you like a human. Whatever the case its years of perfected conditioning designed to get you to work harder better, and more efficiently.
And honestly, some places treat you like dirt, they don't care if you stay or leave, there's tons more where you came from and your no different than any other person that applied. Please believe anyone can be trained to do the task that you are doing. Regardless of your good at it or not.
They reward you
Your job sells clothes maybe they'll give you a shirt, if its direct sales you most likely get discounts, almost on any job they have some kind of common perk they give to every person that works there. It’s all designed to keep you happy, keep you there, working very hard, stupid and enslaved to that job. So don’t get caught up, be aware and have an exit planning
They walk all over you and your still there
This is a serious one. Your job or career treats you like absolute shit! They give demands, point, yell, sometimes even scream at you. So why on earth are you still there? You don't have to put up with that believe there are better options out there for you.
You have single itus
Don’t kill yourself over a job. Seriously, it’s just a job. You hear every so often of someone who has lost there job and suddenly there life is over. They either take it themselves or let it destroy their life. And shamefully you hear of those who have lost their home, their car, wife, you name it just over their job or career. Why is that exactly? Well, its because we let it happen. We let this a situation that should have been planned in accordance destroy ourselves. But first, let’s address this.
There are hundreds of thousands of jobs and career outlets out their more and more added every year. Why is it so difficult for most to comprehend this. A person loses a job there suddenly throwing tantrums, appealing, arguing, etc. Why stress out? Why create such a scene when you can just simply say “It’s been a pleasure” and leave with the greatest attitude and smile of your life. Hell! You should be jumping for joy. This is your opportunity to level up with a better career. You know there is always another job around the corner. After all, you have the experience.
But what kills you, is that you never planned for the worst-case scenario. You let this shit destroy you. News-Flash! Just as there are hundreds of thousands of jobs out there, just remember there are billions of people hungry for a job. Never forget that. Jobs are the greatest bachelors they always have options, stacks of resumes on their desk, hundreds of applicants a month. You can be replaced at any moment's time, and HR couldn’t care less about you.
But since you planed your like Deuces! You’ve already moved on because your smart, you knew this will happen someday. You kept your skills sharpened, always improving. Sought for higher educations, YouTube, certifications, free courses, etc. You’ve been investing. You have a bit of a cushion for emergencies. You have other income streams so you're not relying on that cushion. You've been working on your own business. There are many things you kept in your arsenal. And you're not living beyond your means. You’ve been saving $2 for every $3 made spending only $1. Your expenses are not 90% - 120% of your check or salary. You're in a great position.
The moment you’ve left your already applying for other jobs. You kept it moving.
Your given false hope
Jobs can string you along, I think we’ve all been there in some shape or form. They may not say it directly but they give you the impression of lateral moves. They may mention higher positions and nod you of next in line. So your dumb enough to keep kissing ass, and doing whatever it takes to go above and beyond. Don't let months pass you by hoping for a promotion. Some of you are so special that you’d keep working hard (for years) with no raise, no promotion, just praise. Why? Why waste your life still being in the same spot you were when you started.
Time is special work on yourself. Improve your education, save, invest, own… Start making those money moves while your employer makes money off of you. Have a vision. Start planning the steps to get you out of that place. I get it you have bills, student loans, etc. But all those are excuses you throw in your mind to convince yourself why a job is a good place to work. Put aside some money start looking into avenues you can put your money in to start making money. There’s so much out there everything from selling t-shirts to drop shipping
If your struggling in at a starter job, no stress I was there as well. Plan save! Save! Save! I’d start making more money first. Get a trade or certification that can help you make more. If your into computer science or liked to learn. Narrow it down pick an avenue watch youtube videos, tutorials. Start creating your portfolio to make some apps, make websites, challenge yourself. Employers love this. Peruse a degree, do a few FREE courses, and boot camps. Also, look into trading, investing, dropshipping, etc. the world is your oyster.