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Why being boring isn’t so bad

@kodoninja verified by kodokitty

Posted: 1 year ago
| Living

I may be the most boring person I know, and this may not be a bad thing. boring. That’s a rather grim word. Seems kinda sad. Webster classifies boring as “causing weariness and restlessness through lack of interest:  causing boredom”.

After reading that definition you can argue I’m quite the contrary. But I can assure you I am indeed boring. At least I can appear boring to most people looking at me. So who am I? Im nobody special. I continue to say this no matter what I accomplish in life.

Well okay. So who are you?

What are the things that make you, you?

Since you are here I’ll start with myself. I’ll list the 5 main things about myself. You do the same.

  1. Software Engineer/ Developer

  2. Bibliophile/ Writer

  3. Movie/ Anime enthusiast

  4. Content Creator

So I was gonna list 5 but all I can come up with was 4. I’m sure theirs more but these are the main things. A few other personality traits of a typical boring person are that I am:

  1. Quiet / Recluse / distant

  2. I hardly see sunlight

  3. I stay to myself/ lone-wolf

  4. Enigma to the highest power.

  5. Unrelatable

That’s it. See? Now this is boring. Wouldn’t you say? For the very few persons on earth who actually “know” me. Yeah, I’m talking to you 4 or so people. Hey, how's it going? Anyway… They’d probably go on and on about the things I’ve done, can do, and some other stuff… But they’d also argue in a way I can be seen as boring, but more of an enigma as mentioned in #4. I'd agree.

The Point

The major grasp here is that some people looking in, like the ones who know you, don’t know you. And those that think they know you, will all have different grasp and interpretations of who they believe you are. I mean if you never speak people are only left with what they can see from you.

This goes for everyone. Ask a few people, anyone what they think about you, or what they know. You’ll get some pretty interesting answers. You may appear (boring, great, amazing, or dumb), but the list of answers can be pretty radical. I seem as stupid to many but also the opposite. I’m below average in my opinion… no one asked, okay let’s continue.

The larger picture

So enough about me. Let me tell you how being boring may not be so bad 😜. One of which was just stated. As in you are you. You can appear as many things to many people.

Get this

If you picture a boring person in your head the results will differ from person to person. Some qualities of a boring person may be (laziness, dullness, lackluster, uninteresting,..) You may picture a person who doesn’t get out very much, on the couch, watching tv all day,… Some may see a person who writes code as boring. That goes for building equipment/ computers, writing, reading, walking, fishing, card collecting, chess playing… That can go on and on… To some people clubbing, meeting people, hanging out, talking, and watching sports isn’t boring.

If you're part of an anime club. You watch anime, do cosplay, and so on… Then all of you are not boring. Because this is interesting to all of you. All of you are the coolest people on the planet. The same goes for any topic or activity. No matter how weird or obscure it may seem to others.

Since I’m boring, or maybe not boring. Or shall I say: Since I know almost no one, have very few friends, loner,... Well depends on how you look at it. I have more time ⌛, or shall I say I have more focus on things that matter to me. Like coding, reading, writing, creating, gaming, building computers, “working out”, “training”,… and so on

Conclusion 1

Boring people rule the world. Bill Gates was a “boring” engineer recluse building Microsoft. Steve Wozniak built the apple computer... The traits of this guy can be seen as boring. Elon Musk dedicated his world to writing code. Completely engulfed in his work as he slept on his office floor building what we know today as PayPal. Mark Zuckerberg the boring, recluse, arrogant psychology major who many HATED for no reason build a website… I think it's called Facebook. Hell people still hate this guy, I don’t. Even though I met him once when my friend sold his house to him. Mark told him I’m better than you... Well... hahaha…

Anyway... The 4chan creator, Twitter creator, myspace creator, the person who built this and that… All from boring people... The creator of your favorite show, game, or whatever, 9 times out of 10 all came from a boring recluse person. There are some exceptions like “Howard Hughes” YouTubers But… well you get it.

Conclusion 2

If you're boring, be boring make something out of it. Don’t be like the types listed in other articles. Make something out of your gift of being boring. Yes, you heard that right. Being boring is a gift. Interesting people have their benefits and quirks but the power of boring people can change the landscape of the world. Just look at all the things Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Bill Gates have accomplished…

In addition, add some cool personality traits. Most people go off of how they feel around you. If it's fear or inadequacy, you can enact rage and anger. Like Mark… If they can relate, kindness, you get it. These types aren’t typically seen as boring. Communicate, and have a sense of relatability “the quality of being easy to understand or feel sympathy for “: Cambridge English Dictionary

Today Elon Musk can be seen as cool 😎, by those who are completely adjacent to tech, rocket science, and computer science. How can people relate to this guy??? He’s not boring. My god he puts rockets in space. You take another person who is in techs, rocket science, or computer science, like a typical NASA engineer ???, nerd, or little ol' me… Well there lame and boring to some. Elon takes boring things and he's a monolith... Granted well you get the idea.

Hell! You can be a chess player, gamer, streamer, or pokemon master, and still be seen as cool by those that don’t do these things. Just by having some good personality traits.

I’m teaching myself how to communicate with people. I've always sucked at it... Again, the few who know me may disagree… It's all perspective… Here is a book i will be reading

(Pic: ShashiBellamkonda/Flickr/CC BY 2.0).

Boring people can be awesome… Don’t let your boring unrelatable traits, skills, or awkward quirks, be a limit. Be a cool cosplayer or webcam actress… Boring can make you something great like those that I mentioned. Focus on the coolness of your boring hobbies and skills. Become the next loved and respected nob polisher, hacky sack champion. Or maybe developer if that's your thing. You are amazing no matter what you do, or who you are.

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