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Is change & self-improvement all that bad?

@kodoninja verified by kodokitty

Posted: 3 years ago
| SelfImprovement

Why does modern society fear change so much? Today some are taught we are perfect just the way we are; That everyone should accept the way we are no matter what. Doesn’t matter how we look, our health condition, how competent we are, you name it we should just accept and reject any form of improvement whatsoever. So I revisit the question why does modern society fear change so much?

To answer this question I’m unsure. If you ask anyone who has adopted this ideology they wouldn’t have a clear reason either, only bouts of fear, animosity, rage, and anger. Their resting response would be something along the lines of I’m perfect the way I am, stop trying to change me.

If you believe your perfect the way you are. I believe this article may be uneasy for you to read. I’m just human and this is my opinion on the matter. Not meant to offend anyone, just to offer a different insight. If you humor me I think I can offer some insightful logic.

In the earlier periods; humans who didn’t improve by learning to fight, hunt, swim, or survive died. Others couldn’t carry their weight for them they were left to die. Women would attach themselves to the strongest, fittest, and smartest. So they could survive, and make healthy strong offspring. There have been variations of this throughout millennia to today.

Today our food is caught, hunted, prepared, and available to anyone via markets. We have local authorities, and militia to do most of our protecting for us. The government, family, and friends do our thinking for us. The government can also provide any finical assistance that’s needed. Free healthcare, free education, and libraries, everything is provided for adequate living.

With everything provided to the modern person, why do we need to improve? Hell if your obese, weak, broke, bitter, spiteful, short, unattractive, unemployed, uneducated, unhealthy, cowardly, and so on. There are dozens of like-minded individual that will agree, follow, love, and be attracted to you. With all that said I can almost justify the logic for not needing to change or improve. After all, there’s someone always out there like you.

Here are a few scenarios today that require a change to survive.

  1. You’ve become unhealthy in some shape or form

    1. Now you must adjust your eating or drinking habits.

    2. Or you may have to work out to get back to a healthy shape.

  2. You in need of more income for bills, food, etc. (handouts is not an option)

    1. You must get another job; with current skills

    2. Obtain new skills by going back to school, getting certifications, a trait, etc.

Ironically these types depend on those that have embraced change. Those in the military protecting the country, had to change to become the greatest, and strongest to protect everyone. The first responders, police, doctors, veterinarians, farmers, engineers, and countless others all had to adopt change, improve and acquire new skills that others depend on. The handouts received by the government are all from those who work and pay taxes. They’ll also look up to celebrities who embraced changed to become that public figure. They’ll even vote for a president with the campaign of change. There are dozens of heroes throughout history that fought for their rights refusing to keep things the way they are 

Change is a choice it's not a requirement. After all. I’ve given ample amounts of reasons as to why you shouldn’t change. Change is scary. Improving is almost like your going away from who you are. More importantly effort, perseverance, and skill frighten us all. We’ve gotten so used to being lazy clinging to who we believe we are. We reject change at all costs. The choices and decisions we make today define who we are tomorrow.

You stop learning at college now getting that dream job requires you to constantly be improving. Bettering your skills and learning new content in your spare time. Not to mention they prefer the individual with the extended education. Those that actively peruse what's required as a hobby. Hiding out your years at a job anyone can do won't cut it. Success doesn’t fall out of the sky for the lazy and unmotivated. That dream guy or girl will forever remain a dream. Because anyone who has ever succeeded at anything doesn’t want a fat, lazy, slob who runs away from improvement. Success will likely never reach those who don’t want to improve.

But regardless of what you do or how you feel. Hopefully, you don’t end up like those that hate and despise others that go 110% at the gym. As well as those who read 20+ books a month, write their books, and pursue higher educations. For people like myself I give it my all, I work very hard to have the body I have. Including creating apps, and platforms, for various other businesses. This list goes on. Don’t despise those that do everything in their power to become the greatest version of themselves. Or expect them to be your lifeline, they cant be successful for you.

The safe space that’s keeping you from change is ultimately destroying you. It keeps you weak, poor dumb, compliant, and depending on others. Anyone who revokes change is destined to fade away becoming a distant shadow of those who became someone. No one ever remembers the people that didn’t try. They get left behind with all the other losses. It was your choice to run from opportunities; To pick apart the idea of self-improvement. Now the only persons that can relate to you are also those that’ll never accomplish anything.

The takeaway, it’s not too late for change. Start slow if you do decide to. Try I minor improvement seeing how it feels. But put some effort into it don’t give up. Let me know how it goes, if a change isn’t for you you can always remain the same.

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