kodoninja - Is 8 hrs of sleep the reason why your broke?

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Is 8 hrs of sleep the reason why your broke?

@kodoninja verified by kodokitty

Posted: 5 years ago
| Sleep
    sleep wealth money

If you're doing well in life, you're reaching your goals; already having a plan and schedule that works for you. This isn't for you. This is for the broke people, unable to find the time, and unable to sacrifice a little to reach a larger goal.

Studies show the AVERAGE person needs 8 hours of sleep to function properly. That’s 16hrs left in your day. The average person works a 9 to 5 leaving you with 8hrs left in your day. That’s not a whole lot of time to make something happen in your life. But I digress. If you still have 8hrs left you're better off than most. Let’s factor in the commute to and from work, school, errands, hobbies, outings, relationships, friends, family, TV, social media,… Yep, there goes your dreams and your future.

24hrs day – 8hrs sleep = 16hrs day

16hrs day – 8hrs work = 8hrs day

8hrs day – (work, school, relationships, ... TV) = ???

So many things can be factored in, but statistically speaking the lives of most people revolve around work and sleep. Even worse some may even have two jobs! But that's a topic for another post. So to put it bluntly. Yes. Your broke because you love your sleep. And let’s be honest most of us dream even to have that much sleep. Hahaha, it’s sad but we still yearn for that American dream.

Your working months-years later what do you have to show for it? Your well-rested and what to you have to show for it? It’s not just sleep as you can read. It goes deeper. But rest ashore no pun attended. You can still reach that American dream and more importantly FINANCIAL FREEDOM. I get about 1-4 hours of sleep Sun-Thr and no sleep Fri-Sat. I have a full-time job career, school, trading, investing, coding, gym, running my own business... I couldn’ t be happier, I’m also very alert.

I get all this accomplished because I sacrifice like crazy, and I kinda cheat too. In my case I put dating on hold, I have no kids, and that's about it for me. I still manage to get all the other WANTS as well. M secret I MULTI-TASK.

Gym = (Youtube, music)

Coding = (


Every person is different so you have to see what can be eliminated and what sacrifices need to be made. I cut out sleep, everything & everyone to reach my goals. Some of you may even find a way to get your 8hr sleep and be successful. More power to you. I get it to sleep is important; and so is financial freedom, I like many other successful people before I went for all-nighters, no friends, little sleep, planning… all to reach my goals.

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