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Leveraging Udemy for max potential

@kodoninja verified by kodokitty

Posted: 2 years ago
| Education

Udemy is one of the largest online learning and teaching platforms available today. With nearly 196,000 courses, 68,000 instructors, and 712 million course enrollments. This platform has made its dent in history helping millions become better at their skillset. So let’s dive deeper into why taking courses from Udemy will be one of the best supplemental options for you and your career path.

Udemy shouldn’t be the only weapon in your utility belt. But it should be the one that’s heavily leaned on. Regardless of whatever you learning in your field of study. You can be guaranteed that Udemy has many course options to choose from. For instance, let’s say you want to learn Python. If you enter Python in the search bar, you will see thousands of courses on that 1 language, 10,000 to be exact. That’s insane. Many of these courses offer valid certificates you can show your interviewer displaying your knowledge and skill set.

screenshot of udemy python courses

If you are a fellow coder like me. I recommend that you have many real-world projects and applications in your arsenal. I’ve been building and selling real-world projects since High School. Since then I’ve built many real-world applications that can be seen anywhere. This very platform is a testament to my current skills, dedication, and appreciation for complex coding. Taking courses has helped me learn new skills adding to the complexity of this platform and others. I have a large portfolio of projects and so should you. Developers! Please build a complex platform or 2. This will show that you really know what you're doing. Employers love to see that you are building these applications outside of schoolwork and course assignments.

Not into coding Udemy has you covered search anything you are almost guaranteed to find courses with certifications. Regardless take your passion to the real world. Create work to show your willingness and dedication outside of what everyone else is doing, Trying to get a job as a producer? Create a portfolio of music produced and created by you. Singer. Create an EP. Designer? create some designs, get a few of them made, modeled, promoted, and see if it sells. You get the jiff. Whatever... Go out there and create a few pieces of work. In addition to all that add some variety. Below I've listed a few other options for certifications and skillset


screenshot of coursera online learning platform


screenshot of edex online learning platform


screenshot of skillshare online learning platform

Khan Academy

screenshot of khan academy online learning platform

Check out this blog it has a few other phenomenal options I haven't listed



Let’s take a look at how this platform is doing as a company. To start Udemy has been a publicly traded company since October 29, 2021, raising 421 million in its initial IPO. The company brings in roughly 150 million annually. Its instructor's monthly earnings are anywhere from $200 - $20,000 monthly possibly more. Some have reported being making millions. Furthermore the current Stock price:UDMY(NASDAQ) $12.67 +0.64 (+5.32%) trading at $12.67 a share at this time of writing the post.

Now that we know the company is profitable, how can this in return help you succeed? Udemy has courses ranging in the following topics and sub-topics. Let’s take a look at the categories:

  1. Development
    1. Web Development
    2. Data Science
    3. Mobile Development
    4. Programming Languages
    5. Game Development
    6. Database Design & Development
    7. Software Testing
    8. Software Engineering
    9. Software Development Tools
    10. No-Code Development
  2. Business
    1. Entrepreneurship
    2. Communication
    3. Management
    4. Sales
    5. Business Strategy
    6. Operations
    7. Project Management
    8. Business Law
    9. Business Analytics & Intelligence
    10. Human Resources
    11. Industry
    12. E-Commerce
    13. Media
    14. Real Estate
    15. Other Business
  3. Finance & Accounting
    1. Accounting & Bookkeeping
    2. Compliance
    3. Cryptocurrency & Blockchain
    4. Economics
    5. Finance
    6. Finance Cert & Exam Prep
    7. Financial Modeling & Analysis
    8. Investing & Trading
    9. Money Management Tools
    10. Taxes
    11. Other Finance & Accounting
  4. IT & Software
    1. IT Certifications
    2. Network & Security
    3. Hardware
    4. Operating Systems & Servers
    5. Other IT & Software
  5. Office Productivity
    1. Microsoft
    2. Apple
    3. Google
    4. SAP
    5. Oracle
    6. Other Office Productivity
  6. Personal Development
    1. Personal Transformation
    2. Personal Productivity
    3. Leadership
    4. Career Development
    5. Parenting & Relationships
    6. Happiness
    7. Esoteric Practices
    8. Religion & Spirituality
    9. Personal Brand Building
    10. Creativity
    11. Influence
    12. Self-Esteem & Confidence
    13. Stress Management
    14. Memory & Study Skills
    15. Motivation
    16. Other Personal Development
  7. Design
    1. Web Design
    2. Graphic Design & Illustration
    3. Design Tools
    4. User Experience Design
    5. Game Design
    6. 3D & Animation
    7. Fashion Design
    8. Architectural Design
    9. Interior Design
    10. Other Design
  8. Marketing
    1. Digital Marketing
    2. Search Engine Optimization
    3. Social Media Marketing
    4. Branding
    5. Marketing Fundamentals
    6. Marketing Analytics & Automation
    7. Public Relations
    8. Paid Advertising
    9. Video & Mobile Marketing
    10. Content Marketing
    11. Growth Hacking
    12. Affiliate Marketing
    13. Product Marketing
    14. Other Marketing
  9. Lifestyle
    1. Arts & Crafts
    2. Beauty & Makeup
    3. Esoteric Practices
    4. Food & Beverage
    5. Gaming
    6. Home Improvement & Gardening
    7. Pet Care & Training
    8. Travel
    9. Other Lifestyle
  10. Photography & Video
    1. Digital Photography
    2. Photography
    3. Portrait Photography
    4. Photography Tools
    5. Commercial Photography
    6. Video Design
    7. Other Photography & Video
  11. Health & Fitness
    1. Fitness
    2. General Health
    3. Sports
    4. Nutrition & Diet
    5. Yoga
    6. Mental Health
    7. Martial Arts & Self Defense
    8. Safety & First Aid
    9. Dance
    10. Meditation
    11. Other Health & Fitness
  12. Music
    1. Instruments
    2. Music Production
    3. Music Fundamentals
    4. Vocal
    5. Music Techniques
    6. Music Software
    7. Other Music
  13. Teaching & Academics
    1. Engineering
    2. Humanities
    3. Math
    4. Science
    5. Online Education
    6. Social Science
    7. Language Learning
    8. Teacher Training
    9. Test Prep
    10. Other Teaching & Academics

As you may or may not have guessed the main topics, sub-topics, and so on are all geared towards real-world applications that will in theory make you more successful. This may in turn land you a career at your dream job. This could also assist you in your social media (YouTube) career, personal development, self-employment (entrepreneurship), and so on. Although there are courses in basket weaving, bird watching, and feminism I'd recommend against them. I have nothing against those who bird-watch, protest nipple freedom, and weave baskets for a living. But I'd like to focus on the tens of thousands of courses available in highly demanded categories. That can net you some serious dough. I left examples below if you wanted to peruse careers in these categories.

Bird watching

screenshot of udemy online learning platform bird watching course

Basket Weaving

screenshot of udemy online learning platform basket weaving course

Regardless of the professional career path you've chosen, I'm sure you'll find the perfect courses for you. If you took a look at the images posted above. You'd notice at the top there is a sale currently in circulation. By the time you see this, I doubt that code will be available. The bold text below is the example of the sale that was in the image. I've also included a coupon code I use religiously for Udemy. This code has gotten me courses that or normally $160 or more for or less than $30.

Courses from $13.99 end tomorrow| Get an extra 10% off today only with code ACHIEVE. Ends in 4h 41m 25s.

Below are the codes I've used. I'll try my best to update the list with coupon codes that are still operational. Follow me on Twitter I'll post coupon codes that you may use that I've used personally.


Use the promotional codes above when applicable. I've amassed a collection of courses over the past few years. Some of which I’ve started, and some of which I've yet to begin. I just never got around to completing them. You can chuck this up to laziness and business. Those of you may know I've been working on developing the kodoverse for a while now. Thus it has governed my time and life leaving me little time to complete my Udemy courses. I'll show you the courses I've purchased over the past year or so. I have 21 courses so far and am planning to acquire almost every useful course on software development, code, data science, and so on. There are tens of thousands of courses so I guess maybe not all of them but many. Let’s set my goal to 100 in total and go from there. I recommend that you also have a set number of courses you are willing to take to improve yourself. Here are the ones I have so far:

screenshot of udemy personal courses page 1a

screenshot of udemy personal courses page 1b

screenshot of udemy personal courses page 2

screenshot of udemy personal courses page 3


The hardest part after buying your courses is to actually complete them. Something I struggle with but aim to fix. Sadly I’m not alone 90% of people who purchase a course do not complete them. Hopefully, you are less busier than me, regardless you should still be able to complete your courses. There really aren't any excuses. Udemy has apps for both IOS and Android so sneaking in some study completion time during break shouldn't be an issue for most courses. Also allocating a few minutes to an hour a day should help move your course completion time along. I myself will implement at least 1 hour a day to complete my courses. And have been doing so for close to a month now

On your Udemy app under push notifications, you can turn on learning reminders. Set the days and time you'd like to be reminded to complete your courses.

screenshot of udemy personal courses page 3

screenshot of udemy personal courses page 3


People have different career paths so I cannot speak for every path you choose. My field of study aligns with software development. Although Udemy code courses aren’t considered accredited to many businesses. Employers do appreciate the money, time, & dedication it took to complete the course. Thus this is considered valid for entry-level jobs, especially in software development. The courses show that you can complete complex assignments, and build real-world applications pertaining to your field of study. Code has a tendency to change and update like most fields. This includes new information, ways to write and implement logic, adding and removing methods, and so on. So let us remind ourselves of the benefits of the certifications:

  • Staying on top of the new trends
  • Shows that you are very interested & dedicated
  • Highlights your accomplishments
  • Real-world assignments
  • Certifications that boost your resume
  • Adds to your overall skill-set and qualifications
  • Improves your current knowledge
  • Shows your willingness to improve your education beyond college or high school
  • Admits you don’t know everything and are willing to learn more
  • You know your skill & job requirements profoundly
  • The more the merrier, you’ll further understand the work


Regardless of the field of study make sure you take courses that offer a certificate of completion. This is considered a professional certification. It looks magnificent on your resume

screenshot of carrer karma article

Millions of people take Udemy courses every year, and many have gotten jobs with the certified certificate completion of their course.


Get started already. Udemy is an amazing platform that millions enroll in. Attach the certifications to your resume. Remember what I said and add to your arsenal. And most importantly don’t be like the rest and actually complete the course... Good Luck be sure to let me know about your progress.

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